Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How You Can Work With IT Law to Protect Yourself

If you work with - or want to work in - online businesses, then you hear about scams and cons being perpetrated on a regular basis. A simple search online will bring up thousands of stories of people being defrauded by fake websites pretending to sell information to help you start your own business, or even memberships to get you started in your own internet business.

But what is happening to the people who are responsible for these scams? Well, there are federal laws that protect the consumer, but anyone with any real knowledge of the industry is aware that Information Technology law - the laws that govern internet usage - is really in its infancy stage.

However, the dominating effect that the internet has had on the community and popular culture has suddenly put Info Tech law into high gear. The federal government - most notably the Federal Trade Commission - is trying very hard to put new laws into effect that will restrain these con artists, and if not, then at least lay the ground work for federal prosecutors to have an easy time convicting them.

In the past year or so, the Federal Trade Commission has created laws that impact those who blog or try to sell things on the internet. People who blog are no longer able to write whatever they wish at will. Now they must say up front that their writings are opinions, and that they no way qualify as an expert. Also, those who sell "opportunities" must reveal somewhere on their site their costs, what they plan on doing with your information, and what the realistic expectations of their program are.

Unfortunately, this is not stopping the Google profits scam artists. If you search Google "home income," scam after scam still pops up. The reason is that these people actually know much more about Info Tech law and the new FTC regulations than the average consumer. The average consumer does not go to the Federal Trade Commission website before online shopping. The average Google profits scam artist, however, does go to the FTC website before they create their own website.

Because of this, many of these Google home income scam programs are actually following many of the laws, even though their programs are still bogus. The brightly colored, large headlines and centered, bold typeset paragraphs don't give you any of the FTC required information, but if you click around enough - the Terms & Conditions link, the Privacy Policy links - the real picture will start to emerge. You'll see this program costs $78 a month, not simply $1.95. You'll see that as soon as you enter your email address, this website will sell it to others - get ready for a spam attack.

Internet law is much like law in the real world - just because stealing your purse is illegal, doesn't mean you are not at risk for it happening to you. You must be smart - watch the people around you, have your purse securely on your arm and even hold on the strap with your hand - show the muggers of the world that you won't be an easy target.

This is the same for looking up job opportunities online. Do your research. Click around and figure out the real story. Show the Google profits scam artists that you won't be an easy target. The Federal Trade Commission can only protect you once a crime has been committed. You, on the other hand, are the one who can prevent a crime from happening.

If you would like more info check out additional Google Profits Scam and Google Home Income Scam reviews.

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